劳动节 Labour day

So It’s May already, things have gone so fast over the last month. I’ve now got a 7 day break as it’s the labour day holiday 劳动节, feels both good and weird to not have anything to do this week, would consider travelling but it’s a busy time.

Many of the DVD shops here are now selling mostly DVD9s (apparently better quality than the standard ones) for an exhorbitant 10 yuan (75p!) a piece. Since I have a good internet connection and I resent paying so much, I’ve started to burn my own copies. I wish I had done this sooner as you can download much, much more than you can buy in the shops and a blank disc costs less than 1yuan to buy. Furthermore I no longer have to worry about getting bad quality copies, broken discs and films in Russian only!

Outside over the space of the last 4 days the shrubs next to my apartment have turned from dead looking sticks into healthy looking green trees. It’s quite amazing how quick the transformation has been, especially so this year with the weather like summer already.

This time of year it’s considerably warmer outside than staying inside as often the buildings walls are built very thick (therefore making full use of the cave effect in keeping a constant temperature all year round), I find myself in the curious position of puting on clothes when inside and taking them off to go outside!