
Extremely busy! Gradually adjusting to life here, still is going to take months not weeks -if ever- to get fully back into things!

Also, there really isn’t much to write about, things just aren’t that interesting!

Trying to re-adjust not just to the surroundings, but to the way I’m doing things myself. I have picked up Chinese ways of doing things and here they can sometimes not be so useful!

I’m trying to store away the ‘China’ habits that are not so accepted here, like crossing roads whenever I see a small gap in the traffic, pointing and using lots of body language, using the Chinese hand gestures for numbers (totally useless here), not saying ‘please ‘and ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ all the time, standing too close to people in queues, always on my toes to get on the train before anyone else (much to the consternation of others).

And other things mostly related to language and being overly direct, that is, getting straight to the point perhaps sounding like an oaf to others…

Whilst at the same time, trying to keep those many good habits I’ve picked up. Like starting early, saving, cooking, walking, using public transport and wearing clothes for more than 1 day 😉 (Unfortunately others don’t understand this, and would assume I’m ‘dirty’ – so probably best not to do this :D)
There are other small things, take for example, not wearing slippers or sandals every time you enter a home. Just socks feels odd :) , there is definitely something missing! So I now wear sandals in the house despite it being carpeted, out of habit more than anything else!
It’s probably not surprising how being away alters your perception of things, especially things you previously did. There are some things that I previously never even considered or thought about, that I now have opinions on or I think about. I notice things that others do not, especially the more negative aspects to life.
I often find myself asking ‘why do people do things this way?‘ and their response is simply ‘that’s how its always been done!’ Knowing no other way.

I think once you’re used to doing something, you don’t think so much about why- just do it.

I think my being in China has caused me to develop this ‘rose-tinted vision’ of how things are back home, when the reality is, of course, quite different and so I notice things.

When I was in China, even though I lived there for almost 3 years, subconsciously I could always say to myself This is China, if I don’t fully understand why things are like this then – so be it!’ I could accept that things are different. But being in your own country and not liking what you see, this doesn’t apply.

Ok, I’ve only been back 3 weeks or so, but I find the ‘culture’ -for want of a better word- a little backwards! Only now I fully understand the very good aspects to Chinese society that have been long dead in the UK.A good illustration of this is in the prices people pay for goods and services. The UK is so ‘developed’ that you throw things away, because financially speaking it’s not worth fixing. There isn’t the care paid to things, knowing that they can be replaced cheaply. Everything is disposable and short term. China is also short-term, but in other ways – at least there, anything can be fixed.
Take Fruit & veg. Healthy food is more expensive than pre-packed, ready-made junk food.

Indeed People pay a premium to eat ‘good’ food, so you have the bizarre situation where people who cant afford/don’t eat healthy food are fat, or often obese – whereas in China its the opposite of course.

There are so many other situations where I see other things like this, I think that as ‘developed’ the UK is, there are many aspects to life here that are worse than in a place like China. I think most of these issues stem from people having more money, less free time in their lives than they once had, and the commercialisation- instant society- that has developed.

In China I seldom watched the news because who wants to watch one-sided-broadcasting in a foreign language? Here I also don’t watch the news anymore, but for other reasons. It just annoys me listening to other people speak about irrelevant subjects and things in such narrow, insular ways. I also find myself correcting language mistakes (even though my English is also bad! ) – well it used to be my job! 🙂 – the way the English language is changing I won’t be surprised that in say 50 years, dialect will be so thick you’ll need interpreters from one English to the next!

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14 thoughts on “Differences

  1. hehe, i’ve read all your entries~~
    I’m a student in Shanghai, and my hometown is Changchun, i’m now in Changchun, I found this blog from an American friend.

    I’ve added you in QQ and Skype, wanna chat for something about China and UK 🙂

  2. hehe, i’ve read all your entries~~
    I’m a student in Shanghai, and my hometown is Changchun, i’m now in Changchun, I found this blog from an American friend.

    I’ve added you in QQ and Skype, wanna chat for something about China and UK 🙂

  3. Hi; I continues to enjoy your comments and find your perspective to be interesting. I belive young man you have been changed by China. I was there only 2 weeks and still it took me a long time to feel normal back in the U.S.

    You really got a feel for the country. China is such an old society and so cultured. I often felt crude even though I am quite the opposite here. I too missed the pleases, thank you’s and sorry’s. I got rid of my TV cable box since I was there, there is nothing to watch. I truy miss Masterpiece Theatre and even that is seldom on anymore. What’s left? Not much! Well keep writing and I’ll contiue to listen.

    Take care, Caroline

  4. Hi; I continues to enjoy your comments and find your perspective to be interesting. I belive young man you have been changed by China. I was there only 2 weeks and still it took me a long time to feel normal back in the U.S.

    You really got a feel for the country. China is such an old society and so cultured. I often felt crude even though I am quite the opposite here. I too missed the pleases, thank you’s and sorry’s. I got rid of my TV cable box since I was there, there is nothing to watch. I truy miss Masterpiece Theatre and even that is seldom on anymore. What’s left? Not much! Well keep writing and I’ll contiue to listen.

    Take care, Caroline

  5. Every time i read your blog, just can’t stop giggling , :lol:if in the office my colleagues would stare at me as if i went mad. anyhow it’s really interesting. maybe you can try to write a book about the experience here in changchun, i will be the first person to buy it.:razz:

  6. Every time i read your blog, just can’t stop giggling , :lol:if in the office my colleagues would stare at me as if i went mad. anyhow it’s really interesting. maybe you can try to write a book about the experience here in changchun, i will be the first person to buy it.:razz:

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