
我去内蒙古呼兰浩特看成吉思汗的故乡。 但是那个地方和我想像中的不一样。 只剩下了一点点的文化古迹。

我们在呼兰浩特吃羊肉串和啤酒。 那个地方的士是小面包真有意思啊, 然后我们去了齐齐哈尔。 在齐齐哈尔那天晚上我们刚进旅店就下起了大雨。 我们顶大雨去超市

第二天回家因为我有课。 如果我有时间我想往北走的更远些

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12 thoughts on “旅行

  1. how wnoderful travelling. PS.you look so different in that hat, I mean cute and handsome, why not change a job?

  2. how wnoderful travelling. PS.you look so different in that hat, I mean cute and handsome, why not change a job?

  3. couldn not believe … in my mind, the foreigners can’t speak chinese. and they always complained about the chinese people can’t speak/ speak good english. did never see/heard/knew someone who can speak lil chinese. u are great. i’ve back to china – for one month holiday 🙂 i go to the gym everyday. today i saw two French women speak chinese  to the ‘drillmaster’, (sorry, i dont know how to say that word in English)^^ it’s nice 🙂 well,  wish u have a nice evening 🙂 btw,why u said that u have two months in changchun? will u leave?

  4. couldn not believe … in my mind, the foreigners can’t speak chinese. and they always complained about the chinese people can’t speak/ speak good english. did never see/heard/knew someone who can speak lil chinese. u are great. i’ve back to china – for one month holiday 🙂 i go to the gym everyday. today i saw two French women speak chinese  to the ‘drillmaster’, (sorry, i dont know how to say that word in English)^^ it’s nice 🙂 well,  wish u have a nice evening 🙂 btw,why u said that u have two months in changchun? will u leave?

  5. dude,im Hunt’s friend,native from jilin,currently in Xi’an for college,will go back to changchun in early july,wish to u meet u ! cheers!

  6. dude,im Hunt’s friend,native from jilin,currently in Xi’an for college,will go back to changchun in early july,wish to u meet u ! cheers!

  7. David, 我很喜欢你写的英文博客,你只在中国生活了两年就对中国这么了解!真羡慕你!你只比我大一岁,可是我觉得你的阅历比我要丰富多了!希望你回到英国后还能继续学习中文!千万不要半途而废哦!那样就太可惜了!

  8. David, 我很喜欢你写的英文博客,你只在中国生活了两年就对中国这么了解!真羡慕你!你只比我大一岁,可是我觉得你的阅历比我要丰富多了!希望你回到英国后还能继续学习中文!千万不要半途而废哦!那样就太可惜了!

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