
I leant this phrase yesterday 道貌岸然 dàomàoànrān. It means when someone says good things, but actually does something else. Literally meaning ‘looking sanctimonious’, On the outside one says they can do something but really this is a facade. On the inside they have no intention of doing so, of course it’s very difficult to know that these people are bad until you are In the bad situation yourself.

I’ve been trying to think of a good equlavant saying for this in English, maybe something like ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but I can’t think of anything that is nearer, any Ideas?

I’ve experienced this phenomenon time and again right across different areas of life and I have developed a ‘radar’ that helps me sniff-out such things.

Regarding business related matters with people – I know this is cynical – but if someone is too nice to you at first, be suspicious. Look for the deeper reason behind ‘why is this person being so nice to me?’ ‘what do they want?’

99% of the time you can be sure its not just for the benefit of your health!

For me, the many dealings I had with Star Education and simliar like agencies further re-infoces this point. They will be very nice to you at first, promise the world, coax you in, then once you’ve signed up- bang 道貌岸然. My dealings with the good organisations here have been quite the opposite, business-like and straight forward, for they have no need to put on a show.

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2 thoughts on “道貌岸然

  1. Thank you for sanctimonious. I found it from your website. 🙂  

    Underneath the Shell

    April 25, 2008

    Yali Li

    I had a dream when I was little
    A man’s back was covered with a shell
    I happened to lift it…
    Hundreds of eyes were blinking
    Each in its own way.

    I learned HTML* when I was at school
    It is a text supported by unseen codes
    I clicked its sources…
    A series of complicated codes hide behind
    A simple change on the surface.

    I have been watching humans
    Every is HTML and carries a shell
    I feel nervous to lift or click…
    How are the eyes blinking and codes composed
    Under chameleonic shells and sanctimonious words?

    *HyperText Markup Language

  2. Thank you for sanctimonious. I found it from your website. 🙂  

    Underneath the Shell

    April 25, 2008

    Yali Li

    I had a dream when I was little
    A man’s back was covered with a shell
    I happened to lift it…
    Hundreds of eyes were blinking
    Each in its own way.

    I learned HTML* when I was at school
    It is a text supported by unseen codes
    I clicked its sources…
    A series of complicated codes hide behind
    A simple change on the surface.

    I have been watching humans
    Every is HTML and carries a shell
    I feel nervous to lift or click…
    How are the eyes blinking and codes composed
    Under chameleonic shells and sanctimonious words?

    *HyperText Markup Language

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