
I’m still alive.

I haven’t been abducted by aliens or struck down by bird flu. The more mundane truth is a combination of being constricted from logging in and editing this by greater powers and that I’ve been too lazy to mess around changing servers.

Anyhow, I’m back online and back in Changchun and just about to start the 5th week of the semester. Once I’ve finished sifting through the 754 (mostly spam) comments, I’ll write more! 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Returned

  1. :razz:glad to see you back, looking forward to your new passages,like reading your writing . and what seems common and dull in our life can become interesting in it ,thanks to your curious eyes I find more fun to stay here.

  2. :razz:glad to see you back, looking forward to your new passages,like reading your writing . and what seems common and dull in our life can become interesting in it ,thanks to your curious eyes I find more fun to stay here.

  3. David, Ive enjoyed reading about your experiences and shifting cultural sensitivities. Im currently working with a colleague from Jilin University and am interested to know if you are working at a local university,also.:?:


  4. David, Ive enjoyed reading about your experiences and shifting cultural sensitivities. Im currently working with a colleague from Jilin University and am interested to know if you are working at a local university,also.:?:


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