rain rain rain

I think the rain season is here, the air is really damp there’s been some flash floods and the odd electrical storm. I like storms, and the storms here are great. I remember last year being caught in a storm that began with rain then moved on to hail stones. The hail became larger and more intense, I was forced to take cover, and it intensified to lumps of ice about the size of one of those large marbels that children play with. This only lasted for about 3 minutes, but it was so hard that when it stopped, the ground was white and covered with little balls. I foolishly tried put my hand out of the window to catch some of the hail, but It just bounced off my hand and hurt. If I had got caught outside, It could have caused some nasty injuries. This was a really strange experience and extremely localised (some of the students I was with said they had never seen anything like this in Changchun ) – this only affected part of the campus I was on, other parts were totally dry.

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