
It’s freezing in my apartment. 🙁

For the last few days I have been wearing thermals with my large winter coat. Indeed as I type this, I am wearing my black ski-jacket and three layers of trousers, – and I still feel cold!

bbc forecast

It isn’t that cold outside, just gets a little below freezing at night. According to the weather forecast it’s pretty mild and much warmer than recent weeks.
But In the last week I have felt more cold than at any other time this winter, including when it was -30C outside.

It’s all because there hasn’t been any central heating since the 6th (well in my apartment anyway – earlier in others!)


Well, here April is considered by the city government to be ‘spring’. So the heating gets shut down. Of course, technically it is spring. Really it’s still winter; there are no flowers and the grass is still brown. Really it should be on for another month, but I guess it saves the government money, and that’s pretty important here.

It’s at times like these, I wish that I had bought that electric blanket, and do I remember it being like this last year too, but at the time, I put it down to my ancient dungeon of an apartment. Which had very small windows and was always cold!

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